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Your Pathway to 
Thriving Starts Here

I'm here to guide you—and your team—toward thriving in an ever-changing world, crafting creative futures that empower you to live fully.

Are you, or is someone you know, navigating a career transition now?

Join a community for professional women navigating career transitions to remain hopeful and actively move forward with courage and support. Thriving into creative futures isn’t a step you take—it’s a way of life.


The Transformative Power of Thriving

Thriving begins with conscious engagement—embracing life’s uncertainties, creating meaningful impact, and evolving within the systems that connect us. Thriving is more than checking boxes; it's about becoming conscious of what success means for you, learning continuously, and prioritizing well-being as a launchpad to experience joy as a normal part of everyday life.  Often, we lose sight of the bigger picture, focusing too narrowly on immediate happenings, when in reality, thriving is about weaving our individual actions into the broader fabric of the future we wish to create. Embracing the transformative power of thriving invites you on an ever-evolving journey. It’s not about arriving at a fixed destination but about the process of authentically being and becoming within a world full of possibilities.

Thriving consists of: 


Cultivate a mindset of curiosity and self-discovery, where every challenge becomes an opportunity to evolve and adapt

Conscious Success

Be clear on criteria of success for the different roles you plan and see the connections of your actions to a larger ecology of action


Prioritize holistic well-being- balancing mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health as the foundation for sustainable existence 


Foster mutual understanding, deep trust, and genuine collaboration - and thrive together


Thrive as an individual, thrive in community,  fostering environments where everyone can flourish

Thriving Requires:


Stepping Boldly into your Influence


Zooming Out from Problems


Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

I'm grateful to work with some incredible people at these leading organizations:

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While you can try, you can’t separate or compartmentalize so many different parts of your life. What Em does is see the whole you. She’ll invite you, in the most nonjudgmental way, to look at who you are and to grow in expected and unexpected ways. I’ve been comfortable to put her in front of my top executive team, to our high potential female talent, and I’ve also joined in Em’s experiences too, each bringing impact personally and professionally. Her ability to bridge cultures between the West and Asia is a real unique strength of hers. Look forward to more opportunities.

Elaine Lin

Vice President, Baxter


Here's how we can work together


I'm grateful to work with some incredible people at these leading organizations:

"How do we create the conditions where individuals can truly thrive as themselves?

This question fuels my work and life.


It's led me to: 

  • Collaborate with thousands of people from over thirty countries

  • Partner with global leaders on impactful projects

  • Witness the transformative growth in high achievers - in themselves and the lives they touch

  • Be recognized as a pioneer in the field


Curious to learn more? Dive into my story to understand how my journey can help enrich yours.

Let's Stay Connected!

Subscribe to Em's heartfelt newsletter and receive valuable, life-enhancing insights. 


It's been delightful and insightful to work with Em in and out of organizations over the last few years. She helps people connect personally to things that frequently remain at arms-length or purely intellectual and emboldens them to keenly take meaningful action. And she works across dimensions of difference with a grace and ease that is exceptional.

Denise Gammal


Are you truly thriving?

Take 10 minutes to find out.

Get immediate, actionable insights that show you:

  • Where you're already strong

  • What's holding you back

  • Your next meaningful step forward


Join leaders worldwide who use this tool to elevate their impact.

Schedule a Transformative Deep Dive Coaching Session with Em  

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Participating in an Em experience was really unique – I’m still processing how it happened that it could be so fun and yet so intense! Whatever the combo, our time together kickstarted what’s been an incredible journey for me. I’m in a much different place than I thought I’d be when I set out, but that’s somehow a dream, as I’ve been willing to go “off course” and craft my own path. I’ll be back for more!

Stephenie Lee

Founder, Beacon Learning

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